The United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation works in accordance with the principle of peace having to be built upon the intellectual and moral solidarity of humanity. The UN Committee was established in 1945 in terms of a United Nations Conference held in response to the request of the Conference of Allied Ministers of Education of 1942, the aim of which was to look for ways and means to rebuild the education system of the participant countries once World War II was over and peace was restored. 

UNESCO contributes to peace by promoting international cooperation in education, sciences, culture, communication and information with its global priorities in mind that are Africa and gender equality. By developing educational tools UNESCO seeks to help people live free of hate and intolerance. The promotion of cultural heritage and equal dignity of all cultures strengthens the bonds between nations resulting in a more mutually beneficial cooperation. Furthermore, the committee fosters scientific programs as platforms for development, stands up for freedom of expression as well as promotes the free flow of ideas and the exchange of knowledge.

UNESCO leads global efforts in order to reach the fourth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Agenda, to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Further achievements of the organisation include the establishment of the SESAME world-class research laboratory in the Middle East and the construction of Youth Networks across 9 Mediterranean countries.

The issues discussed in the UNESCO of KarMUN focus on solutions all of which have significant impact on technology and mankind in the long run.

 Participation is highly recommended for delegates who are interested in a wide range of issues concerning global development bearing all human rights in mind and wish to engage in meaningful debates about the aforementioned topics.

Issues of 2024:

Providing Proper Equipment and Regular Training in Educational Institutions

Emphasizing the Significance of Safeguarding Endangered Species

Creating a Framework for the Regulation of Experiments Carried Out on Human Beings and Animals 


You can access the Issue Descriptions of each topic by clicking on the titles in blue.

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