School Registration Form

The link above is for both the Early Bird and the Standard Registration. Please, keep in mind that the school registration form should be filled out by the MUN Director only.  


External Student Officer Registration Form

Student Officers, also known as Chairs or Presidents, are the ones who are in charge of a committee. They are responsible for a wide range of things, such as the smooth flow of the debate, maintaining order and guiding the delegates through the conference, answering their questions and making sure everyone gets their chance to speak.

Please be aware that this form should be filled out individually by the students who wish to be Chairs at our conference.


Anmeldeformular für Schulen

Dieser Form bietet die Möglichkeit den Schulen, sich an den deustchen Teil der KarMUN Konferenz 2023 anzumelden.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Anmeldungsformular nur dazu dient, das Interesse an einer Delegation zu bekunden. Wir erwarten daher, dass die MUN-Direktoren es nur im Namen ihrer Schule ausfüllen. Die registrierten MUN-Direktoren werden von unseren Hauptorganisator*innen kontaktiert und die endgültigen Anmeldungsformulare werden an die Bewerber in der untenstehenden Form verschickt:



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